2009-10 Executive Board and Council
2009-2010 term (July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010)
- Marty Siederer, President
- Jason Goldstein, 1st Vice President
- Rob Bertrand, 2nd Vice President
- Jeff Isaacs, Treasurer
- Eric Schwarz, Secretary
Committee Chairs
- Budget and Finance: Jeff Isaacs
- Election and Nominations: Mike Beachem
- Membership: Joe Capo
- Programming and Events: Maxine Robinson and Kaz Wright
- Public Relations: Jason Goldstein
- Reunion and Class: Bill Bauer
- Young Alumni: Bob Cavezza
Livingston Alumni Association (LAA) Executive Council
Carla Alexander, Rosemary Agrista, Jeffrey Armus, Bill Bauer, Michael Beachem, Rob Bertrand, Joseph Capo, Bob Cavezza, Yash Dalal, Martin Dickerson, Jason Goldstein, Jeff Isaacs, Karen Kanu, Iris Martinez-Campbell, Mike Middleton, Michele Ostrowski, Maxine Robinson, Eric Schwarz, Marty Siederer, and Kaz Wright.
Photo: LAA board members, Livingston College alumni and guests at the Rutgers-New Brunswick Reunion on May 15, 2010.