Livingston Student Center Reopening in 2010: A New Dawn for the Livingston Campus
The renovated and expanded Livingston Student Center had a grand reopening April 7, 2010. The Department of University Relations has shared with us the photos taken by University Photographer Nick Romanenko.
The RutgersZone, which opened in 2010 in the expanded LSC, is a fun hangout, teaches students leadership skills, and can even host parties and events for alumni and others outside Rutgers. Read more in Rutgers Focus.
(Left): Members of the Liberated Gospel Choir perform at the celebration, which marked the first renovation since construction in 1986.
(Right): University President Richard L. McCormick officially cut the ribbon. This $20 million project expands the building from about 35,000 to more than 61,000 square feet.
(Left): Guests are treated to a multimedia demonstration. The former College Hall multipurpose room has been renovated and renamed Livingston Hall.
(Right): Eric Kaplan and Winiris De Moya show off “I Love Livingston” buttons.
(Left): First-year student Harsh Shah lines up a shot in the Rutgers Zone. The facility also features a learning center with connections for computer and video use. (Right): Guests were given biodegradable garden kits.