Dean’s Letter to the Class of 1988: Livingston College Needs Loyal Daughters and Sons
W. Robert Jenkins, dean of Livingston College, wrote the following letter to the Class of 1988, included in the college yearbook, 1988.
May, 1988
Dear Graduates:
Each year I am asked to write a letter such as this one. Each year I wonder what to say and how to say it. Nonetheless, this is a pleasant task since, among other things, I get a chance to congratulate you on successfully completing your degree. For that accomplishment, I offer my most sincere congratulations and my best wishes to you in the years to come.
Whether you go on to further study, to jobs, or to other endeavors, I hope that what we offered you at Livingston has prepared you for that task.
Lastly, remember your College. Come back to visit and experience the nostalgia of days past; reflect on how you and the College changed and in what ways have remained the same. The College needs loyal daughters and sons and their encouragement will assist us to continue offering students the best we have.
Goodbye for now — and good luck. Let’s keep in touch.
Sincerely yours,
W. Robert Jenkins
Revised November 29, 2015