LAA President Jason Goldstein Honored as a Loyal Son of Rutgers

The Rutgers Alumni Association (RAA) in 2014 honored 10 alumni as Loyal Sons and Loyal Daughters, including Jason E. Goldstein, LC’02, RBS’05 (pictured).

Goldstein was the president of the Livingston Alumni Association (LAA) from 2012 to 2015, and has been a member of the LAA board since 2002 (including serving as second vice president from 2003 to 2006 and first vice president from 2006 to 2012).

As one of the first board members of the Rutgers University Alumni Association, Goldstein advocated for programming and marketing that embraced all of Rutgers’ alumni constituents.

Goldstein’s service to Rutgers includes:

  • Founder and chairman of the Livingston Theater Company Alumni Association; as an undergraduate founded the Livingston Theatre Company. 
  • Many service and community events such as theater night and speed networking.
  • Driving force behind LAA’s public relations and marketing activities.

Goldstein has been a key partner with the RAA, particularly in producing a video for the 2013 Loyal Sons and Daughters dinner, and portraying Colonel Henry Rutgers at the Loyal Sons and Daughters’ 50th anniversary event.

Each year since 1958, RAA has honored an illustrious cadre of Loyal Sons and Daughters.

Bios for all of the 2014 honorees are online. In addition to Goldstein, they are: Ruth Ann Burns, DC’67, GSNB‘75; Joseph A. Carlani III, RC’84; Evelyn Sermon Field, DC’49, GSE’65, SCI’75; Robert I. Kanarick, RC’63; Brian L. Kelly, Pharm’94; Rene Robbins Lawless, DC’81; Margaret O’Donnell, CC’93; Christine Tiritilli, DC’92; and James C. Van Vliet, Eng’53.

The honorees were formally recognized during a “scarlet tie” dinner on Saturday, April 12, 2014, at 6 p.m. at Neilson Dining Hall on the Douglass Campus. Julie Hermann, then Rutgers Athletic Director, was a guest speaker.

LAA President Jason Goldstein, left, is congratulated by RAA President Tom Carpenter as Rutgers Alumni Association’s Class of 1931 Award winner, in a presentation at the Rutgers Student Center on Saturday, May 18, 2013. Photo courtesy Steven Allen, RAA board member.

As part the Rutgers-New Brunswick ReUnion on Saturday, May 18, 2013, RAA President Tom Carpenter (Rutgers College, 1957) presented the Class of 1931 Award to Goldstein.

The RAA cited Goldstein’s extensive volunteer involvement with programs on behalf of Rutgers alumni, and the partnerships on programs such as theater nights in conjunction with musicals presented by the Livingston Theatre Company, Alumni-Student Speed Networking events, a November 2012 coat drive, and other activities.

The annual Class of 1931 Award honors a graduate, ten years or more from graduation, for volunteer service to the RAA, to one’s class or community, or to other Rutgers constituencies. The award also recognizes potential for leadership in the future.

In 2007 Rutgers University Alumni Federation honored Goldstein with the Meritorious Service Award.