Last updated on March 22, 2021
[Read more Livingston College Students’ Memories.]
By Lisa Matusow-Futterman, LC’73
I graduated from Livingston College in 1973. As a biology major many of my most vivid memories were of my science classes. I began when Dr. Robert Jenkins was chairman of the bio department. I remember him bringing in fresh corn from his garden and offering it to us to eat raw. I had never eaten raw corn before, but he inspired me to learn about gardening and how wonderful fresh vegetables were.
I took human anatomy with Dr. Norman Walensky. It was the best class of my college years. He inspired to continue my graduate education in anatomy and I went on to teach human anatomy in several different medical and dental schools. Livingston was a wonderful experience, especially during the early 70s.
I met my husband in Dr. Leatham’s endocrinology class; we were lab partners.
Lisa Matusow-Futterman is a 1973 graduate of Livingston College at Rutgers University.
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