Meet Debra O’Neal (LC’87), Dedicated Rutgers Alumni Leader


Debra O'Neal

Debra O’Neal, LC’87, vice president of the Livingston Alumni Association, joined the Rutgers University Alumni Association’s Board of Directors in July 2013.

She has served as the Class of 1987 vice president, as the first vice president of the LAA, as chair of the RUAA Regional Clubs Committee, and as past president of the National Association of Social Workers, reach alumni who want to stay engaged but who live far away from Rutgers and may find it difficult to connect.

“Being a board member provides me with a direct opportunity to actually shape our vision for Rutgers alumni and help propel it forward,” Debra says.

Photo courtesy of Rutgers University Alumni Association.
Originally posted November 21, 2013

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Harvey Schwartz (LC’87), a Leader in Finance, Began His Career at Wall Street Low Point; Named to Rutgers’ Hall of Distinguished Alumni in 2014


Harvey M. SchwartzHarvey M. Schwartz, Chief Executive Officer and member of the board of directors at Carlyle as of 2023, graduated from Rutgers’ Livingston College in 1987. It was an inauspicious time.

Schwartz “learned early in his career about tough times on Wall Street,” Bloomberg News wrote in a 2012 profile of Schwartz. He began his career in 1987 on the trading floor of J.B. Hanauer & Co. shortly before the “Black Monday” stock market crash on October 19, 1987, according to the same profile.

In 2014, Rutgers University named Schwartz, a native of Morris Township, New Jersey, to its Hall of Distinguished Alumni (HDA) in honor of his business successes and generosity to Rutgers.

In 2023, Rutgers Business School bestowed upon Schwartz its Honorary Business Excellence Award. Also as of 2023, he is serving as a member of Rutgers University’s Board of Governors, through 2028.

Schwartz went on to work at First Interregional Equity Corp., Citicorp Securities and Summit Equities before joining the multinational financial services company Goldman Sachs, according to a Business Insider biography. He earned his executive master of business administration degree from Columbia University in 1996.

In 1997 Schwartz joined J. Aron, Goldman Sachs’ currency and commodity trading unit, as a vice president. He rose to Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in 2013, and continued in that role until April 2017.

Starting in 2017, Schwartz and David Solomon both served as President and Co-COO at Goldman Sachs. They succeeded Gary Cohn, who left Goldman Sachs for a position in the administration of President Donald Trump.

Prior to assuming the CFO role in 2013, Schwartz was Goldman Sachs’ Global Co-Head of the Securities Division since 2008. From 2007 to early 2008, he was Global Head of Securities Division Sales, from 2005 to 2007 he was Head of North America Sales, and from 2004 to late 2005 he was Co-Head of the Americas Financing Group within Investment Banking. He was named Managing Director in 1999 and Partner in 2002. He is a member of the Goldman Sachs Management Committee and serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Risk Committee and Finance Committee.

Schwartz received financial aid from Rutgers to complete his bachelor’s degree and dedicates his time and financial support to help support current students in their academic endeavors, according to his Rutgers HDA profile.  Among his many philanthropic efforts, he endowed a $1 million scholarship through Goldman Gives to annually pay tuition and fees for four full-time School of Arts and Sciences undergraduate students.

Schwartz has served on the Rutgers University Foundation’s Board of Overseers and the School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council. He also has served as chair of Rutgers’ Wall Street Leadership Committee, in which he has been a vigorous advocate of student mentoring and recruiting efforts through the Rutgers on Wall Street Initiative. He has championed an effort to provide financial support to students pursuing a career in the finance sector and helps to connect students with alumni executives.

He told Rutgers Magazine in 2014 that he was an indifferent student in high school, but that Rutgers “dramatically changed” him. “Mathematics, with the overlay of social and behavioral dynamics, immediately hooked me,” he said. “It’s where I learned to love learning.” He worked multiple jobs to put himself through college, and as a junior and senior, he served as a resident assistant at Rutgers.

On Saturday, May 3, 2014, the Rutgers University Alumni Association inducted Schwartz and four other alumni into the HDA:

  • Joseph G. DiPietro, RC’84, two-time Tony Award-winning playwright and lyricist.
  • Sheri McCoy, RBS’88, chief executive officer and director of Avon Products, Inc.
  • Daniel C. Reda, Ph.D., ENG’65, GSNB’67, ’69, mechanical engineer and recipient of the NASA Distinguished Service Medal.
  • Rosemarie T. Truglio, DC’83, senior vice president of curriculum and content at Sesame Workshop.

Induction into the Rutgers HDA is the highest award Rutgers bestows upon its alumni. The award recognizes alumni who, through their remarkable achievements in professional and civic life, have brought honor to themselves and the university.

Rutgers previously inducted four other Livingston College alumni into the HDA: Avery F. Brooks in 1993, Edward M. Jordan and Clifton R. Lacy in 2004, and Gregory Q. Brown in 2010.

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Yours in Blackness: Livingston College’s Weusi Kuumba Dancers and Drummers


William Bellinger, an alumnus from Livingston College’s first four-year graduating class in 1973, founded the Livingston College Weusi Kuumba Dancers and Drummers, an all-Black troupe, before the college even opened, in July 1969. Bellinger was also the student speaker at the 1973 Livingston College graduation convocation. 
The 1973 Livingston College yearbook included a photo of the troupe and a description and history of the troupe by Bellinger. Below is the text (with minor edits) as it appeared in the yearbook. The original yearbook page is available here.

The spirit of Africa is upon me. 
She has annointed Me to bring good tidings.

          William Bellinger 5/1/73


The Livingston College Weusi Kuumba Dancers and Drummers, an all Black Troupe, was organized in July 1969 by William Bellinger, of Rahway, a member of the class of 1973.

Soon afterwards, the troupe took as its purpose, “promoting a language, a mode of expression, which addressed itself to the mind, through the heart, using related, relevant and significant movements which are related to our everyday activities for expression of special [and] real-life experiences in our special and rhythmic sequence.”


“We as a group are striving for a dwelling and clearer insight of our way of life, labor, culture, aspirations, history, social, economic, and religious beliefs, and disbeliefs, movements and festivity, and sadness.

“In short, we are attempting to portray a heritage, a culture, conceived and felt by our troupe.”

The Weusi Kuumba African Dancers and Drummers have traveled much. Among performance locations are: Somerset County College, Hilton Hotel, N.Y., Malcolm X University and Boston University.

Monies earned, or donated to the group, are used to assist needy Black students wishing to major in community development, and to assist the scientific research for a Sickle Cell disease cure.

Bill Bellinger ’73

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Music, Risk, Three-Eyed Frogs and Other Experiments: Life in Livingston College’s House 15, Circa 1972-1975


By Joe Birish, LC’75

[Read more Livingston College Students’ Memories.]

I graduated from Livingston College as part of the Class of 1975. I lived in the House 15 dorm from the fall of 1972 to June 1975. House 15 was a great dorm to live in at the time, as it had a lot of students who were into an alternative lifestyle, which was typical of that time. Most of us were advocates for the legalization of marijuana, and House 15 was a fairly safe place for students to indulge in experimenting with pot and other substances.

This dorm had a real communal feel to it, as most of the students were really into the music of the era. Quite a few of us had big record collections and we enjoyed blasting our music very loudly.  Board games like “Risk” were very popular, and we played them in the House 15 lounge several times a week.  (I included a line about the Risk game in my song lyrics.) 

Every Thursday night we had a low-stakes poker game (penny, nickel, dime, quarter betting only).  The poker games started around 9 p.m. and sometimes would continue till 2 a.m.  

Since the drinking age was 18 back then, alcohol kept the poker games pretty interesting. By midnight some players were not seeing their cards correctly!   In the spring of 1973, we had “House-15” T-shirts made up, and most of us purchased one.  The T-shirt included a cartoon of a green three-eyed frog as our dorm mascot. 

In 1973, I wrote an original song about some House 15 experiences, and I made a home recording of the song with me on vocals and guitar that summer. In 2014, I was going through my old tapes and rediscovered this song. I liked the original recording but wanted to add to it, so I copied the recording to an eight-track tape deck and added drums, a second guitar and harmony vocals. (Listen to the House 15 song [2 minutes, 51 seconds]. See the lyrics below.)  

I also found a recording of an instrumental rock jam from the spring of 1973 that was recorded in the lounge of a dorm in Quad 2. It included me on drums, a bass player from House 15, and two guitarists from Quad 2. (Listen to Quad Rumble [3 minutes, 47 seconds].)


Original music and lyrics by Joe Birish (c. 1973)

I must be out-spaced, or is it spaced out?

That hash oil flavor has confused all my doubts.

The stairs are now cushioned, as I glide smoothly down.

The lights are much cooler, as my mind spins around.


All in 15, we came to know, some quite nice times, belonging and close.

We were together, partners in crime, parties and ludes, oh what good times.

Where are they now, in how many jails, who’s behind bars and who’s out on bail?

What we did wrong is a mystery to me, but the system can’t stand, us kids being free!

I need some sleep, I need a rest.

I want to love you, but I’m such a mess.

Been partying all night, I’ve got classes to miss.

Here comes the daylight, and we’ve just finished Risk.

Repeat chorus twice.

Joe Birish (pictured above in 2001) is a 1975 graduate of Livingston College at Rutgers University. His opinions are not necessarily those of the Livingston Alumni Association or Rutgers University.

Email Joe (), and hear more of his original songs.


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Livingston College’s Challenges at Age 21


By Eric Schwarz, LC’92, SCILS’92,’07

[Read more Livingston College Alumni Memories.]

In 1990, Livingston College faced a transition as W. Robert Jenkins left as college dean. (Walton R. Johnson would be the next dean, serving from 1990 to 1993.) In a Daily Targum article from May 4, 1990 [PDF], Dean Jenkins noted that some of the college’s achievements included coeducational residence halls, new academic departments such as anthropology, computer science and journalism, and a diverse student population. Ernest Lynton, the college’s dean from its planning stages until 1973, recently had been honored by the university, which renamed the North and South Towers residence halls on campus for him. (The college opened in 1969.)

Students and administrators in 1990 hoped to secure more development on campus, such as an expanded student center, fraternity and sorority housing, and a Kilmer Village residential and shopping complex. I chronicled these events and reflections as Livingston College correspondent for the Targum.

It would take another 20 years before some of the visions voiced in 1990 would come to fruition at Livingston.

A student center expansion was completed in 2010, enlarging the center from approximately 35,000 square feet to more than 61,000 square feet.

The Livingston apartment complex, the largest single project Rutgers has ever built, total 650,000 square feet, including 25,000 square feet of retail space, and opened in fall 2012. The mid-rise buildings provide apartment-style living space for 1,500 students along with retail on the first level. Read a fuller description of the 2012 housing and retail project [PDF file].

Other major projects (completed or under construction) are listed in the university’s Vision for Livingston Campus site; the site chronicles development on the campus far beyond what had been planned in the late 1980s/early 1990s.

Eric Schwarz is a 1992 graduate of Livingston College and the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS) at Rutgers University, where he majored in Journalism and Mass Media, and English. He also earned a Master of Library and Information Science degree from SCILS in 2007.

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A 1974 Graduate’s Memories of a Groundbreaking College on a Diverse Campus


By Marian Murray, LC’74

[This article was first posted September 20, 2010, on our old blog.]

Where to begin? I entered Livingston College in the fall of 1970 and graduated in the spring of 1974–my B.A. was in Urban Teacher Education (Secondary) and English. As Rutgers approved a double major–instead of a major and minor–one came out with a “double B.A,” for all intents and purposes. To give you an idea of how serious this requirement was, there were 22 required courses for the Education major and 18 for the English major! And, even though there were no prerequisite courses, I took them anyway and am glad to have been rounded out as a liberal arts student.

My extra-curricular activities included eight consecutive terms as a student government representative, a formidable group composed of both faculty and students, which was imperative on the most memorable committee that I served on, the “Scholastic Evaluation and Scholastic Standing Committee.” In this committee, the fate of undergraduates literally was in the hands of we faculty and students saddled with the task of determining who could stay and who had to leave Livingston. [At our 10-year Reunion, several classmates came up to me to thank me for the compassion that I and some faculty members showed in allowing them to stay to go on to do good things, professionall and personally. Another of my activities was a wonderful memory of my participation in the glee club, as well as being a reporter/editor for the Third World Report (a paper put out by the Third World Coalition). 

Because of Livingston’s existence a direct result of the Newark summer rebellions (not riots), the time was thick with heavy issues, including but not limited to the lack of equal rights for African Americans (among others), Open Admissions/Enrollment was struggling to become a reality–I participated in demonstrations and rallies even though I could not qualify for the kind of financial aid that was so desperately needed by so many–, then there was the Vietnam War (or as the Vietnamese termed it “the American War”). There were mind-opening Teach-Ins about virtually every political theme one can imagine. Women’s Studies got off the ground, as did Africana Studies, Asian Studies, Puerto Rican Studies, and such. 

The dormitory Quads were unique and were named by the students for their compositions: Quad 1 was called “Woodstock”; Quad 2, “Suburbia”; and Quad 3 “The Ghetto”. In the last Quad were three “Black Houses” and one “Puerto Rican House”. The dorms of the Black Houses were both all female/male and co-ed! Being virtually bi-lingual, I found another “home” in the Puerto Rican House. The nights were magical with Congo drumming in which women as well as men were allowed to play to their heart’s content. 

This was a multi-racial, multi-generational, multi-religious, and multi-ethnic campus. For the most part, we all lived in harmony and there was a solidarity that was remarkable achieve in any times, let alone the turbulent ’60s and ’70s. This was a time when anti-war demonstrations/protest rallies around the country were taking place. And, sadly, the National Guard was called in to “restore order” on some campuses, namely Jackson State and Ohio State were senseless student deaths occurred. What many people do not realize is the Guard is armed with the same munitions that is being used by the military during war time. Consequently, we had M-16s trained on us at some of the education-related as well as political rallies! I have never been prouder of Livingston’s president, Mason Gross, who boldly and loudly refused the Govenor’s call to have the National Guard come onto the Livingston campus! [I believe he paid the price in the coming years when he was ultimately removed from his post.] That was a sad day, indeed. Then there were the takeovers of the President’s quarter–I was among those who sat-in until demands were met. And, after I graduated I heard of some students took over the Registrar’s offices and destroyed academic records. I cannot understand how that senseless act was going to advance their cause! But, I guess, in any movement it takes all kinds! 

On the political front, there were moderates, conservatives and revolutionaries. Discussions between the differinig groups were lively to say the least. But what was terrific was that we listened to one another and much was learned by all–if one was open to hear sentiments different from one’s own. 

Academically, it was groundbreaking to have access to all classes that the different colleges offered, Livingston, Douglass and Rutgers New Brunswick, as well as the other campuses. Getting around was made easy by the three bus lines (A, B, and C) which made the commute a breeze. Being able to attend classes at the different institutions made for meaningful and lasting friendships and relationships, not to mention the broadening of one’s horizons. 

It was at Livingston that some innovative teachers used dormitory lounges to conduct class when space was tight, e.g., Vertamae Grosvenor‘s cooking class (she went on to have her own cooking show on PBS)! On one occasion, my Spanish Translation class was held in my apartment! It was taught by Miguel Algarin, who is the founder of the Poet’s Cafe in Loisaida (The Lower East Side, in New York City). In this vein, some of my English professors would go on to international acclaim or had already established themselves, e.g., Toni Cade Bambara, Nikki Giovanni, Hattie Gossett, A.B. Spellman, Sonia Sanchez, and Marc Crawford, just to name a few. Toni Cade Bambara (who made her transition in ’95) made such an indelible impression on me that I have dedicated my book to her! [I will most likely self-publish; and a renowned poet, historian and scholar, Louis Reyes Rivera, who is a good friend of mine, is doing the editing of the book.] In Women’s Studies I was introduced to the remarkable Chilean singer/songwriter, Suni Paz. This association included attending her concerts in the summers, in midtown Manhattan.

Let us not forget how many couples came out of liasions at the College–including some that would end in marriage and long-term commitments. (I was one of those fortunates.)

Livingston was ground-breaking in the artists of all hues, activists, revolutionaries, educators, international political figures (some who would find themselves known as political prisoners for the stuggles for independence in their homelands. One such person who I had the honor of meeting on campus was the Puerto Rican independentista Juan Maribras (sp.) who recently made his transition. What I truly loved about, and appreciated, was the ethnic and generational diversity in my classes and throughout the campus.

It made for stimulating discussions and true education at its best! I had a wonderful time at the 10th year Reunion of Livingston College; as well as the 20th, which I attended with a long-time friend who I met in my freshman year. I must say that the 20th was particularly memorable because of the “young ones” who gave their perspective of what the Livingston Mission was.

It was heartbreaking to learn of the College’s demise, it was truly unbelievable and inconceivable to me that such a drastic decision was made!

Marian Murray is a 1974 graduate of Livingston College at Rutgers University.

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Rutgers Graduate Amy Albert Has Dispelled Myths Through Community Service; Honored with 2015 Riki Jacobs Livingston Pride Award


Amy Albert (pictured) has been selected as the recipient of the 2015 Riki Jacobs Livingston Pride Award, given by the Livingston Alumni Association (LAA) of Rutgers University.

Shortly after arriving at Rutgers as a transfer student in 2012, Albert began a journey of community service. Albert, a 2015 graduate of the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, set out to effect change, which she has accomplished in many roles including those of student leader, tutor, counselor, and legal services intern.

Among many examples of her service, Albert has worked as a counselor with a hotline for suicidal youth.

Through the Rutgers University Alternative Breaks program, Albert has volunteered an animal refuge in Florida and a no-kill animal sanctuary in Virginia. At the Virginia sanctuary, named Paris Barns, Albert led eight participants “on a life-changing trip … [where] they learned the value of service, organic eating, and that animals aren’t on this earth solely to benefit humans.”

Closer to home, Albert worked with 20 incoming first-year students throughout New Brunswick working with the community at a farmer’s market and gardens.

At Rutgers, Albert has served as a tutor for student athletes and served on the Scarlet Honor Council’s appeals committee for academic integrity cases.

In the legal services community, Albert has tutored women prisoners and also worked on programs related to documentation of domestic violence weapons and to client services.

In her award application essay, Albert wrote: “While I worked to create change here, words cannot describe how Rutgers created change in me. Because of this university, I learned so much about myself and was given opportunities others will never have.”

A theme throughout Albert’s community service has been dispelling stereotypes — about the relationship of humans to animals, about students’ relationship with their community, and about prisons and inmates.

Albert, a resident of Waldwick, New Jersey, maintained a 3.96 grade-point average at Rutgers and majored in psychology and criminal justice. Among other academic honors, she was named to the dean’s list at both Rutgers and the University of New Haven in Connecticut through her four years of college. In fall 2015 she will enter the University of Virginia Law School.

Albert was honored at the Rutgers Student Life awards, called “The Scarlets,” on Tuesday, May 5, 2015.

The Riki Jacobs Livingston Pride Award is given annually to the Rutgers-New Brunswick graduating senior who most embodies the spirit of Livingston College and its attributes of leadership and social action.

The award is named after Riki Jacobs (1957-2009), a guiding light in the fight against HIV/AIDS in New Jersey for more than 25 years. At the time of her passing, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine called Jacobs “an articulate and compassionate voice who was highly respected for her efforts to ensure health care access for those living with, infected with, and affected by HIV.”

Photo: Amy Albert accepts the Riki Jacobs Livingston Pride Award from LAA Past President Marty Siederer (left) and LAA President Jason Goldstein, on May 5, 2015.

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LAA Honors Emilie Transue as Winner of 2014 Riki Jacobs Livingston Pride Award


Emilie TransueEmilie Transue has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 Riki Jacobs Livingston Pride Award, given by the Livingston Alumni Association (LAA) at Rutgers University.

Throughout her college career, Transue has merged her studies with awareness and action related to understanding and helping those in the community with medical or neurological challenges, including children and their families, and her fellow students.

For almost two years Transue has worked as a peer mentor for Rutgers students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), through the College Support Program (CSP). Transue has worked extensively with two mentees, help them achieve social, academic and professional success.

Transue wrote in her application essay that her work with CSP has helped her to educate others about the struggles faced by people with ASD and disability, particularly resident and apartment assistants, who are taught to recognize students who need additional services and how to create appropriate social support systems.

For two years Transue also has been the Rutgers chapter leader of Project Sunshine, a nonprofit organization that provides free educational, recreational and social programs to children and families living with medical challenges. For example, Rutgers students visit with the children and plan parties or other activities for the children, helping the children to focus on personal development as well as medical treatment.

She has also served as a classroom aide or assistant at the New Brunswick Free Public Library and at Rutgers’ Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center.

For three years Transue has developed her honors thesis by investigating two neuronal proteins involved in dendritogenesis and neural networking, at Rutgers’ Firestein Laboratory. She also has shadowed physicians at the Child Health Institute of New Jersey and the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

Transue maintained a 3.9 grade-point average and earned multiple scholarships and dean’s list recognitions in her college career at Rutgers-New Brunswick’s School of Arts and Sciences, from which she graduated in 2014. She dual-majored in cell biology and neuroscience, and Spanish, with a minor in psychology. She began studies at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in fall 2014.

Emilie Transue with Jason Goldstein

Transue was honored at the Rutgers Student Life Scarlet Awards on Tuesday, May 6, 2014.

The Riki Jacobs Livingston Pride Award is given annually to the Rutgers-New Brunswick graduating senior who most embodies the spirit of Livingston College and its attributes of leadership and social action.

The award is named after Riki Jacobs (1957-2009), a guiding light in the fight against HIV/AIDS in New Jersey for more than 25 years. At the time of her passing, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine called Jacobs “an articulate and compassionate voice who was highly respected for her efforts to ensure health care access for those living with, infected with, and affected by HIV.”

“Emilie Transue has brought attention and has lead efforts at Rutgers to help individuals with developmental disabilities and medical challenges,” said Jason Goldstein, LAA president (pictured above with Transue), who presented the award. “Her exemplary achievements have shaped lives.

“Livingston College was focused on building communities by engaging diverse perspectives,” Goldstein noted. “We are proud to present Emilie Transue with this Pride Award for her efforts in serving those individuals who require a voice and assistance.”

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Memorial Service Held for W. Robert Jenkins, Livingston College Dean Emeritus


Family, friends and colleagues remembered William Robert (“Bob”) Jenkins, Livingston College’s dean from 1977 to 1990, at a memorial held Wednesday, March 9, 2016, at the Life Sciences Building Atrium on the Busch campus of Rutgers University.

Jenkins died November 23, 2015, at age 88. He had served at Rutgers for more than 50 years, as a biology professor, college dean and director of the Health Professions Office. Read more about his remarkable life and career.

The celebration included the sharing of stories, memories, experiences and photos of an amazing man who lived life to its fullest.

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Preserving the History. Advancing the Legacy.